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Additional notes & comments
1. Property Details
Property address (Address to be let): Rent for this applicant: per Month Week Quarter Year Tenancy period: Tenancy start date: 6 12 18 24 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 month(s)
2. Prospective guarantor's personal details
Blue fields are required.
Title: First name:   Surname: Mr Rev Dr Mrs Miss Ms Date of birth: Occupation: NI number: Current address: Postcode: Time at address: yrs mths Address status (if known): Gross annual income: Contact no: Unknown Rented Owner/Mortgaged Family/Friends Other Has the applicant declared any County Court Judgments, rent arrears, IVAs or Bankruptcy Orders within the past 6 years? No Yes If yes, please include the relevant details below:
Has the applicant declared any County Court Judgments, rent arrears, IVAs or Bankruptcy Orders within the past 6 years? No Yes If yes, please include the relevant details below:
3. Previous address
Previous address if at current less than 6 years: Postcode: Time at address: yrs mths
3.1 Previous address
Previous address if at current & previous less than 6 years: Postcode: Time at address: yrs mths
4. Employment / Occupation
Employed Self-employed Student Unemployed Retired Other
Complete the following only if employed or self-employed
Status (eg. permanent): Name of organisation: Start date: Finish date: Position held: Contact name: Contact position: Employer's address: Contact telephone no: Contact fax no: Contact e-mail address: Notes & additional income details:
5. Additional notes & comments
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